B-Alive Team

Kelsie Leonhardt
Kelsie Leonhardt is a biotechnology research scientist and serial entrepreneur specializing in research of the human nervous system. Kelsie received a Bachelor of Science in Brain and Behavior and completed a Master’s degree in Entrepreneurship to apply her knowledge to further create solutions for those suffering from the physical diseases associated with the brain and nervous system. Kelsie is a certified yoga therapist and applies her human anatomy and physiology expertise to innovate healing biotechnology solutions.

Laurelle F. Johnson
Laurelle F. Johnson initiated the idea of focusing on research for bladder issues at Leonhardt Ventures. Laurelle has a long career in technology working with start-ups on raising capital for investment to fuel research and growth. Her background is in marketing, strategy and sale. Her clients have ranged from clinical trial companies, technology for the cloud and online interactive applications. Her role with B-Alive is fueled by a passion to give women their lives back.

Cristiane Carboni
Cristiane Carboni is a pelvic floor physiotherapist with a Master Degree in pelvic floor Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation Sciences. She is a specialist in Women’s Health and Human Sexualit. Cristiane is Director of the School of Physiotherapy of the International Continence Society (ICS) and has given many lectures around the world about how to manage pelvic floor dysfunction, sexual dysfunction, incontinence among others. She is the CSO of MyoStim ED ErectStim. She is finishing her Doctor Degree in Gynecology and Obstetrics. Cristiane is a volunteer for the Ghana and Nepal Project (International Urogynecology Society -IUGA) training health care professionals in those places to treat women with pelvic floor disorders. She coordinates and teaches at the Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation Post Graduation in Porto Alegre/Brazil where she has led several researches in the pelvic floor disorders area focusing on solutions.

Abby Seiger
Abby Seiger is our lab technician who works behind the scenes to carry out wet-lab and animal experiments. She is currently working on a degree in Neuroscience at Washington State University and will attend Medical School upon completion. While she focuses her research on diseases and complications of the nervous system, Abby has grown fascinated in Urology and helping to solve the global issue of bladder incontinence.